From the moment you start planning for retirement to the point where your assets are organized, your income needs met, and your accumulation and legacy plans in place, working with a professional that you trust can make all the difference in how well your retirement reflects your desires. There are many people that would love […]
Read more...How Will You Build Your Income Bridge?
The moment that you stop working and start living off the money that you’ve set aside for retirement can be referred to as the Retirement Cliff. You’ve worked and earned money your whole life, but the day that you retire, that income comes to an end. Social Security will fill in some of the income, […]
Read more...Are You Getting the Social Security You Deserve?
In the book Planning a Secure Retirement chapter 4 is titled “Are You Getting the Social Security You Deserve?” In helping people plan for retirement there are more misunderstandings and mistakes in regard to Social Security. It is a shame because it is a system that is meant to help retirees, not trick them. Luckily, […]
Read more...Do You Have a Worry Free Plan?
A comprehensive retirement plan is like a house. It will take into account your financial well-being both now and for the rest of your life. But like any house, your retirement house has to start with a foundation. Your income is that foundation. The first step to laying that foundation is determining how much income […]
Read more...Retirement – Will You Have Enough?
Advice about what to do with money has been around as long as money has existed. While some basic concepts have stood the test of time, most strategies that work adapt to the changing conditions in the market, economy, the world, and your circumstances. The reality is that investment strategies and savings plans that worked […]
Read more...What Color is Your Money?
The “Colors of Money” is a way of assigning colors to money to help visualize the risk your assets are exposed to, as well as a method of seeing the balance of risk to safety within your portfolio. Money comes in three colors: Green Money, Yellow Money, and Red Money. Green Money is the safe […]